Waiting Children
Securing a Permanent Family for Children & Youth Awaiting AdoptionThe Many Blessings of Adoption
By Dr. Rev. Lewis Macklin
Sometimes our life journeys take many turns until we arrive exactly where we are supposed to be–as is the case and personal story of Dr. Rev. Lewis Macklin, a prominent and Faith- Based Community Leader and long-time cherished Mahoning County Children Services Board Member.
If you’ve ever thought about Adoption– not sure? not ready, don’t know? Don’t miss reading Rev. Macklin’s heartwarming and unforgettable journey that ultimately led him to expand his family through fostering and adopting!
Waiting Children | Profiles & Bios
Sheyenne & Nova
Sheyenne and Nova are close siblings with big dreams—Sheyenne wants to be a nurse and Nova an obstetrician—who would thrive in a loving, supportive household with strong female role models.
Mikail is a very handsome, friendly, energetic, and talkative young man. He enjoys drawing, writing songs, riding his bike, and enjoying the outdoors.
Nai’Ome is a special needs child with a positive attitude. Nai’Ome is always smiling, giggling, and loves to have fun.
Tokala (TK) is a special needs child with a lot of energy. TK loves to talk, is very polite, and enjoys keeping busy.
Makayla is a charming young lady that loves to laugh and have a good time. She enjoys baking cookies and other treats
Crashawn who is lovingly referred to as “Crash” by staff who have come to know and care for him since 2009 is a 16 year old young man who due to health reasons, may not be able to leave the facility where he is residing
Asia is a teenager who has experienced many traumatic events in her life, yet still manages to smile!
Westley is 14 years of age. He is very sweet and energetic.
D’Wayla is an intelligent beautiful preteen
La’Breia is a special needs child with big energy. She enjoys making new friends and talking about things she loves.